A new (now I say new but in actual fact, it turns out they made their debut in 2010) C-pop all girl band from Starlight Up with the following traits: choreographed dance moves *shock horror*, the cute yet sexy dichotomy and a hellova looooot of leg. So it seems that even C-pop has now caught the Korean bug!
Below are videos of their first two singles so you can judge the aegyo for yourself:
You can definitely see the Korean influences here! The more I listen to them though, the more the songs grow on me (although the bits that annoyed me at the start will forever annoy me -_-:;), since actually being able to understand some of the lyrics does make a huge difference. I wonder how successful they'll be, since I guess they'll always be compared to SNSD. Then again, China doesn't really have anything like this so, who knows?
Chopsticks over and out! ^_^
Yishi xxx
There's photoshop but they're also using the illusion of having their skirts really high up... it makes the legs look so long, but they're barely covering their front .____.